Temperature hovers around 24°c and at night it feels like 14°c. If you would just like to know what the weather was for a past dates for research or education or you are just curious then visit our historical weather of Harrisburg section. Travelling to Harrisburg? Check out our Weather averages of Harrisburg to better plan your holiday or travel. (Weather station: Capital City Airport, USA). June and October receive most rainfall with precipitation count of 167.36mm. Which months receive most rainfall in Harrisburg? January and February are the coldest months with temperature at around -11°c. The weather averages gathered from Harrisburg weather forecast and Harrisburg weather history also forecast these months temperature to be around 25°c and average of 202.8667 hours of sunshine in a month. July and June are the best month to go for holiday or travel to Harrisburg. The temperature in Harrisburg tomorrow in the early morning is 66 ° F. Tomorrow 10 days July Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - Detailed weekend and 10-day weather forecast. The temperature is expected to vary between a warm 84.2☏ (29☌) and an agreeable 68☏ (20☌). With a high probability, moderate precipitation is predicted. Harrisburg, United States of America Holiday Weather Overview Best months to visit Harrisburg? On Sunday, in Harrisburg, rainy weather and thunderstorms are anticipated.